Wednesday, August 17, 2011

UserForm resizer

I recently use below codes to make Userform in Excel resizeable:

'Done in Excel
Private Sub SetFormStyle()

Dim lStyle As Long, hMenu As Long

'Have we got a form to set?
If mhWndForm = 0 Then Exit Sub

'Get the basic window style
lStyle = GetWindowLong(mhWndForm, GWL_STYLE)

'Build up the basic window style flags for the form
SetBit lStyle, WS_CAPTION, mbCaption
SetBit lStyle, WS_SYSMENU, mbSysMenu
SetBit lStyle, WS_THICKFRAME, mbSizeable
SetBit lStyle, WS_MINIMIZEBOX, mbMinimize
SetBit lStyle, WS_MAXIMIZEBOX, mbMaximize

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Google Motorola

Google announced on Monday (15 August), that it is ready to acquire a mobile phone manufacturer Motorola Mobility worth 12.5 billion U.S. dollars. The deal became the biggest acquisition to date, which allows Internet search engine giant to enter the handset business.

NHK also proclaim the page, Google plans to provide the Android operating system for mobile phone makers in the U.S. is famous. Mobility Motorola Motorola split from the parent company earlier this year. In addition, Google also plans to run the Motorola Mobility as a separate business and continue to offer Android software to other handset manufacturers. The deal will help Google compete with giant U.S. computer manufacturers, Apple, which continues to experience increased sales of the iPhone and iPad.

Google CEO Larry Page emphasized the importance of the agreement. He said the deal would allow Google to strengthen its patent portfolio and complement the Android operating system for the benefit of consumers and business partners

Monday, August 15, 2011

Electric-powered Hummer Tiny

Electric-powered Hummer Tiny Hummer cars known as the big fuel thirsty and environmentally unfriendly. But that label does not apply to this one Hummer. Love this little car over the environment because it fully uses electricity.
MeV Hummer HX-T name. Cars for 10,000 pounds, or USD 138 million that can run up to about 100 miles. As the name implies MeV (My Electric Vehicle) vehicles are backed with an electric power source.
Meanwhile, the former brother-sized 'giant' could spend a lot of fuel. Unlike the mini Hummer a run for

Amazon launch Kindle Cloud Reader application

Amazon launch Kindle Cloud Reader application, which is a web-based application that can help online retailers that avoid banning the downloading through the application of the restrictions of Apple's App Store on Wednesday (10 / 8). Amazon said the party, the application uses HTML5 web standards to allow users to read e-books from the library Kindle via Safari or Google Chrome browsers.

The application has a button associated with the Kindle Store, which was recently removed from the application for the iPad Kindle and the iPhone. This step was taken in response to the recent restrictions on Apple App Store, which prohibits the developer to have an external link to the purchase of digital books or subscriptions in the app. Except, they gave 30 percent to the Apple of the panda.

Unmanned Robotic Car Design of Google finally had an accident

After taking 256 thousand kilo meters without the slightest abrasions, unmanned robotic car design of Google finally had an accident too. As reported the Daily Mail, Monday (8 / 8), Toyota Prius is a car prototype without Google's crew hit the car in Mountain View, California, United States.

Yet the company's information technology giant claimed that the accident was caused by the negligence of man.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Search 3 Keywords Once


Recently I'm working for someone , he asked me to search 3 keywords once.
here is the codes:


Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
    Dim Kw, Xkw, Xsrc, Wkn As Worksheet, i, X, Wk1 As Worksheet, Txt As Variant
    If MsgBox("Do you want to copy results to a new sheet ? ", vbYesNo) = vbNo Then End
    Set Wk1 = Sheet1
    Set Wkn = Worksheets.Add(, Sheet1)
    Txt = Split(Replace(TextBox3.Text, Chr(32), ""), Chr(44))

Shoppers are arming themselves with smartphone

Consumers are increasingly using their smartphones when theywalk through the mall. Through the phones, consumers can easily see which product, which is cheapest.

"You see that consumers still prefer to shop offline," says IngridJust from the Australian Consumer Association Choice, "butnowadays these shoppers make frequent use of new technologies."

Retailers should therefore ensure that their online presence."These consumers see a product in the store, and view them via their smartphone to the Internet," explains Just out. "They can buyproducts in the store, but retailers must give consumers the chance to think about the product available online to offer. They can then return home on the internet still buy it. "According toJust, the retailers that consumers are best in the shop managed to source the most successful."

VTech CS6219-2 DECT 6.0 Cordless Phone, Silver/Black, 2 Handsets

2G phones are better at making phone calls over a 3G smart phone

2G phones are better at making phone calls over a 3G smart phone, according to the communications regulator Ofcom. Ofcom in the latest study found rural communities need to get rid of their smart phones if you want to make phone calls.

Although the latest models of mobile phones are emerging as the most popular smart phones Apple iPhone and Samsung Galaxy S2 technology offers "third generation" (3G) for high-speed network access, email and internet, but Ofcom claims the phone "old school" which is still technologically more 2G either in making a call in rural areas due to the antenna includes an internal space.

Thousands pictures to your sheet

Several days ago I get a job from a good man, he ask me to put his thousands pics to his worksheet. Until I do this to my macro:

Sub INSERTPics()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
On Error Resume Next
For i = 2 To 174
ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert( _
"c:\Mr.BrownsPics\" & Cells(i, 3) & ".jpg").Select
With Selection.ShapeRange
.Top = Cells(i, 2).Top + 0.5
.Left = Cells(i, 2).Left + 0.5
.Width = Cells(i, 2).Width - 1
.Height = Cells(i, 2).Height - 1
.Name = Cells(i, 2)
End With
If Err.Number > 0 Then
Cells(i, 2) = "nopic"
End If
Next i
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

NOTE: Make sure that column "C" contains the names of the files.

Google +1

Google +1
See and learn what or how is +1

Road Cornering

will directly solo touring to Sierre, Switzerland, France,
at least 200 km's from Lucerne, but failed because the weather is less
friendly. sunny morning, cloudy afternoon, and before nightfall granules
rain. weather is not safe for a beginner biker like me.

whereas, if accomplished touring up to Sierre, most will not
pass through four, with incredibly beautiful scenery. go between
cornering a narrow asphalt road, turn right, turn left, right, left, so
onwards, is flanked by alpine cliffs, clear lakes and Swiss grass valley like Heidi's story. end - the end of this, the weather
really annoying at this Swiss. July already, even before August,
rain continued to spill from the sky, while the winter last year, we
lack of snow. global warming .... dont know. anyway, plan to enjoy
appropriate holiday season, often ended with annoyance.

tomorrow (today for Jakarta time), there is still a day off, the children also
on vacation at his grandmother. although the weather was still bad, but the morning
forecast is still sunny, I try again trace the pass near the close
Lucerne, Swiss center. not far away Far, worried that suddenly dropped
rain in the middle of the road. Glaubenbielen pass his name, which is only 1200 meter
height, is also just 10 km's in length. but this is one everybody
darling for bikers, because the streets, as usual, cornering and
heidiland style scenery: alpine meadows and valleys in the summer.
weather, hopefully possible. if not, I'll be back around the village streets around the home.

Courtesy of on behalf of Krisna Diantha Akassa

What a Biker, Romantic Biker

Middle-aged men are always smiling, every time I entered his shop, as ahead of this afternoon.

"This time it is needed," he said kindly.
"The shoes, but as usual, is 20 dollars," he said, as usual.
He showed a row of specialized motorcycle boots, leather from a kind of canvas.

"Try this," he said as he handed the leather shoes. After try this and that, the choice finally fell to the type of leather boots with two openings adhesive zippers.

In this shop, always mention the price is less than $ 200, so transactions efficiently. From the helmet, pants, boots above. He also bought one after another, which makes me and the grocer, same smile.

Bike ride, as a pilot, including expensive hobby in Switzerland, although not as expensive as in Jakarta. In Jakarta, only the rich who can ride a Harley or Ducati. In Switzerland, the origin would be frugal, if necessary, fasting on Mondays and

Friday, August 5, 2011

About Australia Guide - Australian Migration & Visa Lawyers

About Australia Guide - Australian Migration & Visa Lawyers
About Australia Overview

Australia is a stable, democratic society with a skilled workforce and has grown at an average annual rate of 3.6% for the past 15 years. This sustained growth places Australia in the top ranks of developed countries in terms of economic growth.

With a population of 22 million, Australia is the only nation to govern an entire continent and is the sixth largest country in the world in land area.

With its abundant physical resources, Australia has enjoyed a high standard of living since the nineteenth century. It is ranked third on the United Nations’ index which measures education, life expectancy and standard of living. Immigration is an important feature of Australian society. Since 1945, over six million people from 200 countries have come to Australia as new settlers. Migrants have made a major contribution to shaping modern Australia. People born overseas make up almost one quarter of the total population.

Today, more than 20 per cent of Australians are foreign born and more than 40 per cent are of mixed cultural origin. In our homes we speak 226 languages - after English, the most popular are Italian, Greek, Cantonese and Arabic.

The federal government sets immigration intake numbers on a yearly basis and our immigration policies are non-discriminatory, with applicants having to meet the same selection criteria. The Australian Government is currently focusing on Migrants who can demonstrate they will bring Professional, Trade or Business skills to Australia, with substantial family and humanitarian based visas as well.

Fiverr / h2nrlc / My Gigs


Good Daily Idea: Facebook - Select All Friends when invite - Chrome...

Good Daily Idea: Facebook - Select All Friends when invite - Chrome...: "Hi, I've found this from several information, so I think the codes work fine for me, try it: javascript:elms=document.getElementById('fri..."

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Facebook - Select All Friends when invite - Chrome, FireFox


I've found this from several information, so I think the codes work fine for me, try it:
javascript:elms=document.getElementById('friends').getElementsByTagName('li');for(var fid in elms){if(typeof elms[fid] === 'object'){[fid]);}}


javascript:elms=document.getElementsByName("checkableitems[]");for (i=0;i<elms.length;i++){if (elms[i].type="checkbox" )elms[i].click()};

1) Open the invite page on your browser and let it load fully
2) paste the javascript under these steps into your address bar on the browser (make sure you delete URL in the address bar at the time)
3) Press enter once the javascript link is in the address bar
4) HEY YOUR DONE! ALL of your friends list is now selected

Monday, August 1, 2011

Works fine on my Excel with Userform

Now I have new ms-excel that I’ve copied this codes from thanks to programer…, I do copy to this:
This description only touches on the most interesting parts of the program. Download it to see the details.You can click the links on the WebBrowser to navigate to a Web page, or enter a URL and click the Go button to navigate there. The following code shows how the program navigates.
Private Sub cmdGo_Click()
    On Error GoTo BadNavigate
    wbrWebSite.Navigate txtUrl.Text
    Exit Sub

Good for Spreadsheet automation - VBA

Some people do spreadsheet difficultly, there is a good news for newbie in excel work.

I do Excel work manually few years ago until I meet this VBA way to get automation ie. using recursive routine or procedure to do same process often.

I do with userform in excel, my senior said that "No way you use that silly idea, this will spend more time to build!" , than I just do it by learning how does it work.

I believe that automation will help my work at the office. But, userform standard cannot resize until I found code to make it resizeable by put some code as Classmodule. Then I do my work now easily.

You can put your PASSWORD:

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